What Type of Bowl (Intestinal) Disease Are There?
Question by Gerard Cainen: what type of Bowl (intestinal) disease are there?
What i mean by diseases is any bacteria or viral or anything that could cause damage or pains to ur intestine area (not the stomach area)
Reason why im asking, is cause i searched around the net alot and can only come up with the same shit search after search, it’s either colitis, Crohns disease or IBS which pretty much covers every freaking intestinal dysfunction known to man. First off i hate how everything is IBS, your constipated “oh you may have IBS” Diarrhea “oh you may have IBS”…everyone you talk to regarding stomach pains or any constipation – diarrhea say the same thing “go to the doctors you may have IBS” which scares alot of people cause this whole IBS is misleading, first off Science doesn’t fully understand the damn thing after what, roughly 45 years so for them to just throw every dis-function intestinal symptom ever talked about by your family doctor and giving it a section of the IBS pie is ridiculous. everything now a days involving your colon is consider IBS,…understand the damn thing before sending it out to public for us to lose our minds over and scaring us over mis-guided and mis-understood research which for some reason keeps changes. in the last 45 years cause i know family that has been dealing with this since in their teen’s i think the only real breakthrough is learning what the cause is…and with all the calms about what causes it or “we think this may be it” it’s just alittle hard to believe that, check out the site if you want http://fhs.mcmaster.ca/main/news/news_2011/gut_anxiety_link_study.html and there’s another site saying something different back in 2010, but come on science pick up the passe alittle , stop saying ” i think” and start saying “i know”
anyways off topic, im just alittle mad at what we’ve done in the past few years, doesn’t seem like alot is changing, on to my question.
can some one please list infections besides (Crohn’s, Colitis, IBS, Diverticulitis,parasite infections and E. Coli infections that seem to be the main focuses everywhere you go)
Best answer:
Answer by Anser
Your problem is that your listing categories of diseases rather than the disease.
1. Bacteria Infection
Salmonella – usually seen after eating undercooked food
2. Camphylobacter – usually seen after eating undercooked chicken
Answer by sunnny
You can have chronic digestive conditions. Eating /drinking too much probiotics can be bad. Not enough fiber or water intake. Has a colonscopy been done? Any polyps or tumors? Usually if eating contaminated food you’ll get diarrhea fairly quickly from staphalococcal infections. This is on our skin as staph epidermis and staph aureus is everywhere, too. There are different species of each bacteria. Too much antibiotics, old antibiotics, dirty water and not washing hands or unclean food preparation can cause chronic diarrhea. Those are the most common causes. Then there are side effects of antibiotics, C. Difficile, runny diarrhea and transmissable. Requires Flagyl for treatment.
You can have genetic causes and wasting dieseases as Cystic Fibrosis or panreatic dysfunction .
IBS is categorized as IBS-D or IBS-C as you wrote above. There are medications to regulate this.
There are dysmotility syndromes. Eating seafood, occ food allergy or sugar dump can cause diarrhea. so any chronic exposure can cause these symptoms in addition to any recent exposure and any underlying disease state. You can have all 3. Hormones used to cause me to have severe constipation and diarrhea. Don’t have to deal with that anymore, They caused headahes-migranes and acne, right? You can move from one growth stage to another and symptoms will go right along with you with various changes. Diabetes? Not anxiety. For many years people were told they had
Stress ulcers, that was cruel. They are caused by Helicobacter Pyloris bacteria, easily treated with antibiotics and other inexpensive drugs, Rx. You mentioned it’s familial, so there may be a genetic component to this. You need to see a gastroenterologist. Maybe submit a sample if they request. They rarely do anymore. So, is your blood work abnormal? Elevated IgE levels or have you had immunoglobulins levels tested? IgG and subclasses? You need to. A simple IgE can show either allergy or parasites. It’s just measured that way. the best way to regulate yourself , eat properly , exercise and drink fresh water. Those are not expensive. After you’ve tried that and it takes discipline, for a month or so , unless you get worse before that or have a fever or wt loss(rapid) or blood not hemorrhoids, if that doesn’t change certainly see the doc. But know, that you’ll have to do that combination either way. Doctors are trained that stress is major cause of symptoms, yet there is already enough evidence to show otherwise. Look at historical devastations of populations, plagues and other diseases and VIRUSES, too. These can change your DNA and malfunction, even if you are older, epigenetic processes. Look at organs of digestion and sections of the gut. You can find a simple chart that explains what functions and enzymes they have and how they work or don’t work.
Your right, with all the research and hospitals and all we have, human anatomy doesn’t change and we really haven’t made that much advancement. But the most common meds we use today are the same meds that were used before I became a nurse over 30 years ago. Today , we have next generations of the same drugs and synthetic drugs. We have all of these hospitals mainly due to lifestyle diseases of no exercise, too much artificial foods and drinks and smoking. Of course environmental issues of air water and food pollution and genetically modified foods as in corn and fish farms. Cows don’t eat corn or left over cow parts, they are forced to eat this; instead of grass and fish don’t eat corn or meat or any artificial colors.
Years ago it was Red dye no 4 or so. You can search that out. Have you seen an allergist specific to your complaints? You may along the way, but need to see a GI doc first. A good one should do a colonscopy and yes you”ll have to do the prep, which causes runny diarrhea to a certain extent. It’s not diarrhea other than what you’re sx are. Good luck.
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