What Should I Do When Depressed….. Badly?

Question by flytz94: What should I do when Depressed….. Badly?
I am 13 and have been having many problems recently. Problems none of My Family or Friends know about, Not even my Parents. I just can’t tell them. But with the problems I almost tempted myself with Suicide twice. I know everyone says I can tell someone but I really can’t. What kind of Therapy will I need for my Problem, Where can I get it? And how can I get my Parents to bring me there without knowing about the problems themselves? Is there like some kind of Rehabiliation Center for Suicidal people maybe? Please help me.

Best answer:

Answer by Cayatendance
there is therapy, and at 13, you should clue at least one of your folks in, and let them help you. It would devastate them if you were hurt and they couldve done something about it if they knew..

simple remedies might include spending time with friends more often, writing, vision boards, watching comedies…make yourself laugh, force yourself to sit down and watch funny stuff…However big your problems seem, theyre never worth throwing it all away, believe me…Life is about the ups and downs, and its always worth living out…Focus on what you WANT out of life

Answer by Brenno
I guess that your parents can agree to take you to a specialist or whatever without the need to let them know what’s up. But I can say that there’s always someone who can help you. And given your age, this someone could be one of your parents.

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