What Is the Truth About Drugs?
Question by Scotty B: What is The Truth About Drugs?
You see Before I entered High school My Grandfather told me about drugs and how this is prime time for kids starting to use them. He told me if i got involved in them that it would ruin my life. He said I would be killing people,Robbing banks, and stealing purses for drugs int he future and he used michael Jackson and Elvis Presley as an example on how drugs kill you and he said they are just like cigarettes if I never do them I will never have to worry about quitting. Even a Police Officer came into my Health class last year to talk about Drugs and alcohol. He said that marijuana is addictive and said how these kids in college every morning they would get up and smoke, after lunch they would smoke after their classes were done they would smoke and after dinner they would smoke for the rest of the night. He said obviously they had never passed college. He said how a drug dealer gave this guys joint to smoke with one exception. It was laced with heroin the man smoked it and became addicted to heroin. he said for the people who used marijuana in this class room will at least smoked a laced joint at least one time and most people who I have talked to said they have purposely sometimes they know its not and sometimes they said i do not know if it is or not and that’s not good. He said how a person at a party died from heroin and it was just a 30 second decision whether to do heroin or not. I forget what he talked about cocaine and never got to alcohol but he said it is the most abused drug. Even my health teacher said it has been proved marijuana does not make you smarter and it kills brain cells. He said there is a main active chemical inside marijuana called THC that makes it addictive after long term use of it and that its not like Heroin or Cocaine were you cant get a hear attack from it on the first time you do it like coke would give you or you cant overdose on it like heroin can do to you. They say that it effects you while you are older and they even say using drugs illegally can lead to problems that can ruin your life. Even the police officer says there has not been one single person out in this world that he has met who says drugs were the best decision they have ever made. But this is were my distrust in what they say comes in and this mostly has to do with what people say online. There has been people online here on other sites saying i have smoked weed since i was a teenager and now 37 with a good life and happily married. There was this guy on here who says i smoked weed everyday for years and it is harmless and now studying to be a research chemistry’s or something like that which involves looking at the effects of substances such as weed. If he is looking at the effects of it then would he then think it is not harmless. All sorts of people online saying ecstasy is not addictive at all saying its Fine same with people saying acid and other hallucinogenic drugs are fine and said they made their lives totally awesome. people said so many people live great lives by smokin pot like barack obama and bill gates and Ted Turner. Some one even said michael phelps was bull shitting us when he said it was not the first time he has smoked weed and said he was hitting that bong like a pro. That’s what his excuse was and he said all those pot heads lived great lives and became very very successful in life. so i am wondering what is the big deal about all these things. Do you think a lot of these pot heads online lie about their lives just to convince others i mean seriously whats the point on going online and saying i live a great life when you don’t. if you are going to lie about it then don’t post any bull shit online. It got me started thinking all these successful people who did these drugs live awesome lives and never ruined their life. Enough about marijuana now onto other drugs. It just hard for me to imagine someones life ruined from drugs like LSD and shrooms and ecstasy or inhalants,and marijuana. I have gotten to the point of mean thinking should i try weed or shrooms just to see what it is like. They also say i would steal money from my love ones for drugs. i know a kid who stole 10,000 dollars from his parents to get weed,acid,shrooms and some other stuff. i know a kid who stole 100 dollars from his parents to get an ounce of weed. They all say they are not addictive and said i stopped easily i used to smoke everyday and now i barley smoke at all. I do know some kids who’s lives have already been ruined by drugs. i know a kid who hasnt even done the most addictive of drugs like coke or heroin. Hes done,weed,laced weed,inhalants,lsd,shrooms,ecstasy and alcohol. he has very bad anger management problems he gets suspended so much and also trys to kill himslef several times and has overdosed on pills alot. He is in rehab and now clean and polite for now. I know some other people but not even going into that. Look the reason i am askign this so i do not make the wrong decision.I
Sorry for the long description but please try to read it all and answer for me. I know it is my personal decision to do drugs or not so you do not have to tell me that. I forgot to mention ine thing. the gateway drug theory that it leads to other drugs. I have seen other people wo just stuck to weed and not tryed or done anything else but i can name people who have done other stuff too. I know it is the person fault to do other drugs i am not blaming it on the weed or anything.
People have also told me i need serious help if i was afraid to hang around my friends if they use drugs sometimes. I am not trying to make druggies or any of them sound worthless or anything. it is not like i am concerned with people’s Lives or anything i just do not know who to believe. Should i just trust all the people i know since they are loved ones who want to protect me and hopefully i can have a good future.
i am 16 by the way
Best answer:
Answer by blackbear
Grandpa knows best!
Answer by Helpful M
Drug use is only a cure for something much deeper.
”Clinic Online” Topic : DRUG ADDICTION part – 2 ( 14 DEC 11 ) Health tv.mpg —
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