What Is a Good Drug Prevention Program That WORKS?
Question by ned_diddley_flanders: What is a good drug prevention program that WORKS?
“DARE” doesn’t work. I need other suggestions as to what else is out there. Whether it works or not needs to be based on scientific evidence of it’s effectiveness, not it’s popularity.
I am a teacher and the school I work at has suggested DARE. Although DARE is “popular”, it statistically does nothing to deter drug use. What are other drug programs that people are aware of that work?
Best answer:
Answer by Maryn Bittner
Proper parenting which teaches that all actions have consequences works.
Answer by Usaneko
Legalizing and regulating weed would work.
The only thing I can really think of is to have a class, an actual mandatory Drug Education class that goes over every drug that is currently known to be abused, from street drugs to prescriptions. A class that tells you where the drugs came from, how they were made, why they became a part of our society, how they are abused, what the immediate effects are, what the long term effects are, and some of the worst case scenarios that can happen when taking the drugs, things besides death. Each class should be at least an hour long, and cover one drug at a time. Classes should of course be filled with FACTS, not conjectures, and should have the resources to back it all up.
I believe the only way to combat this is to TELL THE TRUTH. Stop trying to control our kids (and our people) with fear, and start helping them understand why we look down on certain drugs and discourage their use. Early intervention is the best way. If you don’t explain to your kids these things, they’re only going to want to find out themselves, the bad way.
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