Need Help Regarding Drug Abuse?
Question by Angel: Need help regarding Drug abuse?
Hi guys I need help! my boyfriend seems to have a drug problem… he is telling me he wants to stop and is upset after he messes up, I know it always starts after he drinks he turns to that substance to sober up, now im not sure what to do I have tried my best I have threatened to leave him and he said he will only get worse… when ever I fight with him he blames it on that, seems like my only option is to not let it affect me but I cannot sit back and watch my boyfriend throw his life away, also I would be the first to send him off to rehab but with that come alot of complications in the family so that would be my last resort.. PLEASE I need advice
Best answer:
Answer by W4bark
Your BF is a alcoholic.
Having drugs is his way of adding to his addiction.
Run away.
Answer by Shawn
You have one thing going for you here. He feels guilt after using. That might not sound so great but many who are deeply addicted don’t even consider guilt, in fact, some are pretty proud of their drug use, most especially while using and spend much of the rest of their time in denial. So before you go further, know that even with that, it is going to require serious support on your behalf to get him help, and to continue it once he completes any sort of drug rehab program. Since he seems open to it, how about taking the kind road and easing him into the idea of a drug treatment center. Since you didn’t mention where you are on earth, I am going to add one drug rehab I know of that not only does fantastic work for their patients on-site, but also provides some seriously valuable information on their website. Last I looked they had listed just about everything.
Also, you didn’t mention what type of drugs he does that are worse than alcohol, but do know that no matter what it is, the alcohol will always increase his urges to use it. So remember that when he says, later on down the road, I just want to have one beer. That’s where the real battle begins, not when he’s had a few and starts to contemplate doing the rougher substances. You mention that inpatient rehab would cause complications with his family, but again, without knowing the specific drugs, it’s hard to say whether he would need inpatient or outpatient addiction treatment, just know that both are an option with many drugs. I hope this helps and you sound like a great girlfriend, but do not let this cost you your own freedom or sanity. Best wishes to you and your boyfriend.
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