Is There a Better Treatment for Hepatitis C Than Ribavirin?
Question by Sailormoon: Is there a better treatment for Hepatitis C than Ribavirin?
I have some info about this japanese drug called Stronger Neo-Minophagen C, not sure which is better. My loved on is sick 🙁
Best answer:
Answer by paulamcneil1223
Ribavirin is usually given in combinations with either a 3 time a week injection or a once a week injection of a strong antivirial medication. Its the conbination of these medications that can put the Hep C in remission. Hope this helps
Answer by fairygirl
I just completed treatment with Ribavirin and Pegasys. I was on them for one year and now the virus is undetectable!!!
If there were better medications, the doctor would certainly be using them. I treat at the Mayo clinic with one of the leading Hepatitis Specialists. He has done and continues to do numerous studies and discussed the available meds with me before I started treatment. The only meds available are interferon types like Pegasys and Infergen.
There have been specials on news shows about fake drugs coming out of Asia, I would be very cautious about ANY meds from there, they and others e.g. Mexico even duplicate our current medications with benign ingredients, some of them even had harmful ingredients such as lead!
When you are dealing with health issues, be careful!
Good Luck and Smiles, Fairy
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