Is It Possible to Smoke Weed and Get Not High?
Question by : is it possible to smoke weed and get not high?
i want to know, and what are the pros and cons of smoking weed, if you don’t get high, and if you do get high.
Best answer:
Answer by ferelle
I’m not sure if you don’t get high but I do know that smoking cannabis does kill your brain cells as does other drugs, if you get high you hallucinate, you feel very heavy, you get very hungry, you feel ugly, dumb, happy, consistently laughing ….
Answer by clock
The question you have posted is a good one and it is difficult to answer because you and I do not know the quality of the weed you are smoking. We do not even know if it is marjuana or something else. You can see the picture of a Marijuana Leaf at the link below.
Scientists at The Scripps Research Institute have found that marijuana (active ingredient: tetrahydrocannabinol or THC) inhibited the formation of amyloid plaque. This plaque is pathological marker for Alzheimer’s disease. The study was published online August 9 in the journal Molecular Pharmaceutics. The full article can be read at:
You will not get high if you are not smoking the real weed. You cannot get quality weed because it is not a legal drug and there is no protection for buyers of illegal substances.
If you smoke this so called weed, which may not be real weed you will not get high and you will fill your lungs with smoke, a well known carcinogen. So it is best not to smoke.
I have nothing against smokers. If you get good weed you will get high. Society has always used mood altering drugs. It is nothing new. You can read more about it here:
Every habit is addictive. Some people will tell you that cannabis is not addictive. I beg to differ. I am sure you can come to your own conclusion.
IF you need help understanding addiction you may read this article:
A high is a euphoric feeling that you will achieve if you smoked a sufficient amount of hemp plant (Cannabis sativa). Cannabis is a natural hallucinogens even though the potency low in comparison to other drugs.
Weed is also called grass, pot, tea, or reefer. Hashish is marijuana in its more potent form. The high effects include a feeling of relaxation, euphoria, sinus tachycardia (faster heart rate), and a sensation that time is moving more slowly. Some smokers report an improved sense of hearing, taste, touch, and smell.
Here is a direct answer to your question, “Yes it is possible to smoke weed and not get high.”
I hope I have not overloaded you with information.
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