Internet Addiction!?

Question by Laura A: Internet addiction!?
I don’t know what to do!?
I didn’t know internet addiction was real, but starting my sophomore year in HS, I started using the internet regularly at night…the first 2 years of college were alright but then my brother got depressed and i was worried about him and my mom and i spent increasing amounts of time online…my grades dropped. I ended up getting my masters with a good GPA. Now, seldom when I am home am I not on the internet looking up information that I find interesting…mainly scientific. My husband is getting frustrated. We have been married for 2 yrs and most of the time he goes to bed without me as I stay up reading articles on here. I cannot stop. All I think about is online. I feel anxious when I’m not online and now I take prescription sleep meds so finally at night i am so tired that I have to log offline to sleep. I don’t know how to end this. It has control of my life and I’m starting medical school soon. What can I do?

Best answer:

Answer by gawjuz_kate
Mmmm i think you need to see a doctor….

Answer by Manoj
Internet addiction is just another psycho problem. Consult a doc.

Notebook: Internet Addiction (CBS News) — Katie Couric talks about Internet addiction and how it is becoming a growing problem; it may affect as much as 10 percent of the population. (

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