I Want to Get Off Drugs?

Question by Emily.: I want to get off drugs?
I’m 16 and I’ve taken drugs for about 4 years. I smoke weed regularly, take pills and smoke meth. I smoke cigarettes a lot and drink regularly as well.

I look after my 12-year-old brother because my mum is never around. I’m setting a bad example for him by doing these things in front of him.

How can I give up by myself?
I think I’m really messed up because of this.

Best answer:

Answer by GSpotWarrior
You need the help of those around you and also professional help. the first step is admitting there is a problem. now go see your doctor and see what he suggests. and good luck.xx

Answer by Carol
Congrats on recognising that its time to get off of drugs, well done to you. I think that if you want to give up drugs speak with your doctor about it maybe he can recommend a programme that you can go on for a low income family and you can kick the habit. Or maybe speak with the Samaritans or some other counselling service for advice on how to go about this.

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