Has Anyone Ever Detoxed of Methadone Slowly and Did It Work?
Question by vonni: has anyone ever detoxed of methadone slowly and did it work?
i am on 280mg daily and want to get off ,i am thinking of coming down 5 mg a week do u think i will get really sick at the end of it, will I ever be able to get off? oh yeah been on it 8 years straight!
Best answer:
Answer by ?i.heart.him
You should really have some medical help with getting off of this. It is a terrible drug and I wish people wouldn’t take it. My best friend overdosed and died 8 years ago from it and at 1am this morning my daughter’s friend overdosed off of it. My friend was 24 and my daughters friend was only 20.
Answer by SleepingFox
I run a group on facebook for MMT clients, and others in recovery~ we recently had another member ask a similar question; yahoo has a character limit, so I can’t copy and paste it here b/c it’s too long, but if you’d like to read it, here’s the link:
For the Group:
And to the specific topic: http://www.facebook.com/erinmsantana#!/topic.php?uid=106559159942&topic=15212
I explain the process & how to go about it there in detail. We also have other clients both on & now off MMT, as well as MMT clinic counselors, nurses and other employees with experience in the field. It’s a group for anyone interested in educating themselves on addiction & recovery, with a special focus on MMT. It’s our hope to put a stop to the ignorance misinformation about MMT, such as the propaganda posted by your first replier here. There has not been ONE reported death that was the direct result of taking methadone as prescribed for opiate addiction you can verify this with NAMA, Methadone Alliance, or Methadone.org. The only deaths that were related to methadone have been the result of mixing methadone with other medications, taking it for reasons other than opiate addiction, through a MMT clinic, or taking more than prescribed. Anyone who tells you they know someone who has died as a direct result of methadone is misinformed or has an agenda. Don’t take my word, though- ask them for proof, a death certificate, a news article, or other- I assure you, there are NONE. Do the research, educate others, and help erase the stigma.
If you need to talk, you can reach me on the group; I’m the administrator, and always happy to lend an ear 🙂 Best of luck to you xoxo
In response to the statement about methadone being a dangerous drug that kills:
There has been a lot of propaganda in the press lately about the dangers of Methadone- the bulk of which is directly related to a few celebrity deaths that were caused by the mixing of methadone and alcohol, or methadone & other medications. What is not so well known is that NONE- ZERO- of those cases involved opiate addicts taking methadone in a methadone maintenance program. All of them were the result of a personal physician prescribing methadone for pain, to patients who abused the medication by taking it with other drugs, creating a lethal reaction. The Harrison Drug Act made it illegal for physicians- general practitioners- to prescribe methadone to patients for opiate addiction. Only MMT clinics, which are strictly regulated, may prescribe it for addiction. MMT clinics require frequent, SUPERVISED, random drug screens (so anyone on methadone for opiate addiction cannot be abusing other meds, or they would be kicked off the program); as well as one on one counseling, group treatments, state required classes, state required physicals and blood tests, as well as anything else the individual’s counselor feels they need. They must complete treatment plans and goals on a monthly basis, demonstrating they are moving forward with employment, housing, etc., and they are not permitted to take many medications, even when prescribed by a physician, if there is any chance of an interaction. For example, benzodiazepines are well known for their ability to interact with methadone in a way that induced euphoria- (i.e., a buzz)- and are a major no-no. The MMT clinic will prescribe another medication that will not interact, if necessary, but using the benzo’s will result in being kicked off the program. A general practioner, on the other hand, can prescribe methadone to whomever he sees fit for pain management, and there are no other regulations. This is where the problem lies, ot in the MMT clinics- so support regulation, education, and help stop the stigma that robs people of their right to recovery.
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