Go Ahead for Prom Drug Rehab Centre – Blackpool Gazette

Go ahead for Prom drug rehab centre – Blackpool Gazette

Blackpool Gazette

Go ahead for Prom drug rehab centre
Blackpool Gazette
But councillors said the patients would be paying in the region of £3,000 for 10 days treatment which demonstrated they wanted help and so were unlikely to cause disruption in the surrounding area. Coun Martin Mitchell said: “The people have put 

drug rehab – Google News

Portsmouth woman, 22, found using heroin after rehab, police say
PORTSMOUTH — A young mother who graduated from a drug rehab program in December was found parked in a hotel lot early Wednesday morning, cooking heroin in a spoon, with a half-filled hypodermic needle nearby, say police. Based on those …
Read more on Seacoastonline.com

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