Drug and Alcohol Treatment in Northern California

Drug and Alcohol Treatment in Northern California — Looking for hope and help? 888-717-9725 http://www.duffysrehab.com Drug and alcohol addictions devastate families. I know. My dad was an alcoholic. Thank God…

A Sentencing Commission for California
That will require postprison programs focusing on jobs, housing, and treatment for drug addiction and mental illness. California has budgeted for this as part of a statewide reform initiative, but the money needs to be spent wisely. (A report by the …
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80000 Americans Suffer From a Cruel and Unusual Practice Most Countries
Half of inmates are serving time for drug-related offences, the majority of which involve marijuana. Craig Haney, a professor of psychology at the University of California Santa Cruz, has been studying the psychological effects of prison, specifically …
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Tip o' the Hat: Local Irish Congress honors two La Jollans
When the Irish Congress of Southern California sought to choose a San Diego Woman of the Year to ride in a float during the St. Patrick's Day Parade, they determined there could be no better choice than Mary Johnson of La Jolla. Mary Johnson, the …
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