Bain Capital Sees Opportunity in Methadone Clinics
Bain Capital sees opportunity in methadone clinics
Heroin and prescription drug addiction is “a giant problem in Boston; it's a giant problem across the country,'' said General Barry R. McCaffrey, who served as drug czar in the Clinton administration and has been on the CRC Health board since before …… Continue reading
Drugs…Ups and Downs ( Compares Effects of Various Drugs ) ( Drugs Documentary HD)
Drugs…Ups And Downs ( Compares Effects Of Various Drugs ) ( Drugs Documentary HD) — A documenatary film that compares effects of various drugs. Made by british researchers. Osteoporosis drugs compared for side effects, efficacy in Loyola stu…
Why criminalize prenatal drug use? A letter to Gov. Bill Haslam… Continue reading
Families in Recovery for Counseling CEUs for LPC and LMHC
Families In Recovery for Counseling CEUs for LPC and LMHC — Families in Recovery Identify who makes up a family Discuss the phases of recovery Identify goals for the identified patient and the significant others for e…
More Drug Addiction Help For Family Members Information…
Helpline in Endwell, NY Helps Teens Find Substance Abuse Information
Helpline in Endwell, NY Helps Teens Find Substance Abuse Information
LIGHTNING RELEASES (4/7/2014) – Many teenagers who struggle with a drug or alcohol addiction in Endwell, NY are often unaware of where to find reliable information about substance abuse and recovery. Now with the help of the Alcoholism Treatment …
Read… Continue reading
Paul Robeson, Times Two, Speaks to LA
Paul Robeson, times two, speaks to LA
is a standard laugh line satirizing the acting profession, a livelihood in which it's not always clear why one is doing what one needs to do. At the moment … "When I began to find out the vastness of Robeson's contributions, I was… Continue reading
I Need Help in Fighting My Gambling Addiction?
by marsmet53
Question by life’sgood: I need help in fighting my gambling addiction?
After playing poker for about 6 months I have lost about 2000 dollars and I feel sick now. I felt that I was in control of my life until I started playing poker. Now I really want… Continue reading
Drug Addiction (PLEASE HELP)?
Question by : Drug Addiction (PLEASE HELP)?
A little background:
My sister-in-law has been battling bulimia and a meth addiction for over 8 years. She has been in at least 3 different rehabs throughout this time and nothing has worked and/or she hasn’t taken it serious. She married her drug… Continue reading
Does Age Affect Alcohol and Heroin Addiction?
Question by levin j: Does age affect alcohol and heroin addiction?
I have heard of stories of a lot of grown-ups and middle-aged men getting addicted to heroin. I wonder if this is because they are old already. Does age really matter when… Continue reading
Where Do I Find Statistics on Drug Abusing Healthcare Workers?
Question by missilverspoon: where do I find statistics on drug abusing healthcare workers?
I am conducting research on healthcare workers that are abusing drugs and need statistics and I can not find very many
Best answer:
Answer by stacexx
I am not sure if you… Continue reading
California Substance Abuse Statistics – This Could Be Your Wake-Up Call
California Substance Abuse Statistics – This Could Be Your Wake-Up Call — Every year,thousands of California residents enter rehab and thousands more undergo alcohol addiction treatment in com…
Easter on 4/20, pot holy day; pastors reach out
"Of course our group would not be supportive of church activities that… Continue reading