Demerol 50 Mg? Drug Abuse? Stupid Friend…?
Question by Araya Donohue: Demerol 50 mg? Drug abuse? Stupid friend…?
My friend recently took two 50mg Demerol’s and snorted them. He’s taken Vicodin all week, but just tried this. I’m really scared, and only sixteen, and he is too. Please help, idk what to do.
Best answer:
Answer by lillyroses_40
Your friend has a problem, a very serious addiction. Snorting these drugs shows he is probably deeply addicted and out of control. Taking drugs this way is a quicker way of getting high and in of that way itself has serious consequences and problems because oral drugs were not meant to be crushed and/or snorted. Your friend needs help and probably is not up to seeking help on his own and will probably resent you if you go to his parents…but someone needs to….try going to your parents and make them aware or a school guidance counselor so some plan can be quickly put together on how to proceed on his behalf for some kind of intervention…..your friend may not live long and you will wonder forever if you could change the course of this friends life. Good luck.
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