Addicted to Great Success Trailer Version 2


Addicted to great success Trailer version 2 – ‘Addiction to Great Success’ is dedicated to our Creator. The secrets to the root of great success used here are freely available and are mostly followed aro…


Obama family plans visit to Dublin

Filed under: addiction help books

Mrs Obama will be shown archives in the Old Library of the university documenting her husband's Irish ancestry and also view the Book of Kells. The couple visited the president's ancestral homeland in Co Offaly in May 2011. Mrs Obama will stay in the …
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5:2 your life – the TV diet

Filed under: addiction help books

Not me. Not when I could read books instead. … To help me embrace the boredom, Perry gave me a self-observation exercise to practise. I would sit … Otherwise, Perry says, "The TV is still the boss of you, if we're going to use addiction language …
Read more on The Guardian


With Father's Day coming it's time to salute the pops who have made a difference

Filed under: addiction help books

"Alcohol had played a big part in his illness but since that day he's not had a drink and not only has he turned his own life around, but he helps others too. Someone struggling might not want to go and talk to a group, but they'll talk to him because …
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