Acid Reflux Drug Free?
Question by Serge: Acid Reflux Drug Free?
Acid reflux.
Coming out of acid reflux. My story may be able to help some of you.
They say that acid reflux is caused by poor eating habits and or bacteria in your stomach.
Right before my episode with acid reflux I was eating healthy, in perfect shape and had my perfect work hard.
Once day, I stared having all the symptom of acid reflux and no one knew what I had. This went on for months. I forced my doctor to check for Helicobacter pylori. which I ended up testing positive.
I got omeprazole (Prilosex) plus 2 antibiotics. 4 pills a day for 14 days.
After the treatment my stomach was hitching and I still had a hard time eating. I was still creating too much acid so my doctor give me again omeprazole (Prilosex). I refused to be on any drug and I knew that the omeprazole (Prilosex) was not the answer it was just a bandage without dealing with the root of the problem.
This is what I did:
I knew the Key out of this was: I need to keep the body alkaline, the bad bacteria don’t like an alkaline environment.
I stop take the omeprazole (Prilosex) and starting taking a of Jarro Dophilus EPS (can find it in health store). The 3rd day I started to feel the difference. I was able to eat more verity of food.
Aloe vera juice before every meal
Eating every 3 hrs small meal. No row vegetable – fresh steam vegetable only and protein. No oily or greasy food at all, not black chocolate , not alcohol, no caffeine, no soda and not spices in your food. Avoid hot water, somehow my system does quite down with colder drink and food.
I eat protein and green 3 time a day and a lot of low fat low sugar organic yogurt as snack and all day.
I take 4 pills a day of Jarro Dophilus EPS . One pill 45 min before every meal to help my stomach and intestines get their natural bacteria back while controlling the excess of acid the stomach is creating. Drink the pills with hot water It makes swallowing the pills easier.
I drink Apple Cider Vinegar (2 table spoons in 0.5l drink of water) throughout the day with a lot of water.
I don’t mix the protein & green vegetable with fruits.
Sugar create more acid so I am very careful with the fruits I eat (low sugar index fruits only) and I don’t eat any carbohydrate for the same reason.
I recommend: Cranberry juice-Prune juice (the sugar free type mix with H2O)
2 tea spoons of honey mix with water before eating.
Avocado-apples-banana-melon-walnuts-almonds-tofu-sweet potato-fish-Grilled chicken (legs grilled) easier on your stomach. Not red meat at the beginning it is too hard on the stomach. Camomile tea help digestion process.
Stop eating 3hrs before bedtime. I sleep with your upper body higher than the bed level almost in a semi sitting position.
I don’t lift weight or jog because I was creating too much acid and it was giving me some palpitation. (yes, the doctor said that the palpitation have nothing to do with acid reflux-there not connected-well doctor have news for you everything is connected and how can a super athlete with no hard problem get some palpitation every time his stomach create too much acid).
To avoid the palpitation, I ride my bike slowly without too much effort, and also walk. I make sure I space out my workout throughout the day.
Now I am getting better and I know you can be acid reflux take time and patience.
I am almost certain that a lot of us will test negative for every test on the planet regarding stomach bacteria but small bacteria such as Escherichia coli-E-coli and other don’t really have a test for them and you could have something in your system putting your stomach out of balance. So fight back by drinking Apple Cider Vinegar to clean your system and work on increasing the growth of the good bacteria your body need. Mediation is a must in the healing process
Good luck to you all.
Best answer:
Answer by janie
I think this thing that cured my brother’s GERD is much easier but happy to hear you got yours cured
What my brother who very severe gerd did is found here…much cheaper and easier read all the posts by knowledge seeker in that thread
Dr Wallick of dead doctors don’t lie talked about the Helicobacter pylori way before this became mainstream and recommended this to fix it
see Number 1 at this link,%20caused%20by%20stress?
Perhaps it was fixed by the apple cider vinegar which is what Kevin trudeau who wrote the book natural cures they do not want you to know says to use for this
If someone is trying that, be aware that pasteurized vinegar is not safe to consume and only use raw apple cider vinegar which contain the “mother” In the us this is found at health food stores and sections of the supermarket..the most common brand names are braggs and spectrum
I definitely agree that one needs to be alkaline and moist foods are not alkaline but acid except for most fruits and veggies but eating them raw is key not cooked. Cooked foods may be at the root of many of our heath problems , I am lately discovering having been exposed to a number of books, films and websites on it and its miraculous healing power as well as my own recent experiments on myself is showing me that most of our problems can be helped by switching to a 85% or better raw food, whole food, vegan diet although 100% raw is optimal as a goal. We are the only species that eats our food cooked and suffer from all these disease except for the animals that we feed.
I feel some of this is poor advice like eating only cooked produce and no fruits as we need these in the form of raw fruits and veggies which are carbs and he said no carbs. Optimally one should only take whole grains in raw form as in sprouting them or soaking oats,spelt flakes, millet, or using raw muscli cereal but we need complex carbs in the form of raw produce, and grains as described above.
Also we need healthy fats as found in things like flax seeds, flax seed oils, cold pressed oils (raw), chia seeds (very high in omega three fats) avocados, raw walnuts, purslane, greens etc
For optimal health and to prevent deficiencies) , with your mainly raw food vegan diet, have lots of green smoothies (1 or more quarts a day), algaes and seaweeds and grasses (wheat and barley grass juice/powders), and lots of fresh juices ( including the cabbage mentioned at the link for this problem)..take no pulp or food for 15-20 minutes while drinking the juice which must be drank right away so it goes to healing and repair and not to digestion..done this way it is assimilated within 10-15 minutes
Some of the other raw foods in addition to produce, raw nuts and seeds and their butters, cold pressed oils and extra virgin olive oils and seaweeds, and sprouted whole grains and raw cereals already mentioned, one can also consume sprouted legumes, fermented foods like kimchee and raw sauerkraut, nut cheeses, frozen fresh fruit sorbets, freshly made almond milk, dried produce and dehydrated crackers, breads, chips etc as long as the not heated above about 110 degrees. One can have raw dressings and soups and one can heat the soup slightly to warm finger touch and it is still raw.
If one is doing 15% cooked one can have things like beans, whole grains, vegan cheeses and milks, homemade soups, cooked veggies and fruits, baked potatoes, and natural sweeteners if using them such as agave nectar (which can be raw), raw honey, real maple syrup, rice and barley malt, stevia, date sugar and other natural sweeteners used very sparingly. :
One can also try natural herbs/foods that kill viruses, bacteria, fungus and protozoa such as raw garlic, oil of oregano, organic olive leaf tincture/extract, grapefruit seed oil and/or colloidal silver.
Answer by Rookie President oObama
I agree with you but you may stop drinking anything 1 hour before eating. Do not drink with your meals and drink 1 hour after your meals. I am doing the same regimen as you plus not drinking with meals. It is much better than treating the symptoms. I learned this fro a Great NP doctor.
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